Just for fun

Little use seen for Marconi’s Wireless Plan

Reported in the NZ Herald 29 October 1897

The system of wireless telegraphy invented by Signor Marconi is about to be exploited commercially, a company having been formed in London for that purpose.
According to the Electrical World, however, its prospects for practical success do not look bright. Says that journal : “It was very obvious from the steady flow of puff paragraphs appearing in daily papers… that he (Signor Marconi) had astute business backers who were determined to run his apparatus and himself for all they are worth”.
“It was, therefore, not surprising to find that a company called the Wireless Telegraphs and Signal Company, with capital of 100,000 pounds in one pound shares, was registered , the object of the company being to acquire from Signor Gugelielmo Marconi certain letters patent”.
Now that Signor Marconi has descended into the commercial arena, it may be just as well that the exact value of his apparatus should be put on record.
In it’s present embryonic stages of development, it’s spere of usefulness would seem to be an exceedingly limited one, viz, communication with outlying light-houses and light-vessels and with fleets.
Of course the Marconi device may develop into something having a much greater range and a much greater reliability than is at present the case, but meanwhile sober investors would do well to hold off, although no doubt if they care to become speculators, their investments may become exceedingly valuable. 
(Pause for thought)