

The following has been received from Brian Henman on his experience with Veterans Affairs and the NZDF Medal Section.

In the year of the sailor, I received in the mail an A4 envelope containing my medal for being at Mururoa. The medal came in a sealed plastic bag along with the commendation signed by the Prime minister of the day. It did not contain a miniature medal.

For years afterwards, I would periodically contact the medal section at NZDF and requested the miniature medal that was missing. All to no avail. Late last year (Dec) my case manager from vet’ affairs rang asking what is happening what can I do for you etc etc. In passing I asked if she could help with the medal problem I had..I’ll get onto it she said. Within two hours or so she emailed me the person to contact at the medal section. This I did explaining my problem and added was it possible to be provided with a display case. Two days later I received my medal and a case.

Talking with Dodger Long (ex sparker) he said that his medal was inscribed, something that had not been done to mine. This week when everyone was back at work I emailed my contact in the medal section asking if this could be done. The medal is now in Wellington waiting to be inscribed.

I also asked if they could send me a better presentation case, one where the medal fits into a recess. (I will wait with baited breath on this one). But in saying that, I have been very impressed with the service I have received in such a short time, re a problem that had been a long time in the making.

5 thoughts on “ENGRAVING OF MEDALS

  • Penny

    No minature received either in the
    “Dear Sir/Madam” the obviously copied letter said

    Please find enclosed etc

    Finished with “A miniature medal is available for $10”

    Yours sincerely
    Signiture copied

    I was disgusted at the time and still am

    Who did you talk to Gunther?

    • gunther

      pen.. ask frank for my email address ,

  • Dodger Long (Paddy)

    Glad you got a result Gunth – very poor of them not to include the miniature with the original NZSSM … like most of received !

  • gunther

    Well, just over a week and my medal has been returned, engraved, and in a display box..received an email yesterday morning informing me that the medal was on its way. 9am this morning and I have it in my hot little hand (registered delivery). I have to say even more impressed than ever with the service I have received these past weeks…

  • Mike Dinwiddie

    H Gunther
    Who is the medal contact.
    My regular service medal is engraved incorrectly has as an ARD not LRD and my NZSSM is not engraved all nor did I receive a miniature – pretty slack.

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