General Updates

Can you Help?

If anyone in this group who are able to get out and about – that is, not in the ‘Vulnerable’ bracket of being over 70 or having health issues – and are willing to help out fellow veterans (of all three Services) by picking up shopping or medical prescriptions and delivering them to the veteran’s address, please email on Gary Houghton on with your address and contact details. Help is required in most of the country.

The RSA and other similar support groups are having trouble meeting the demand as many of those providing support are themselves in the over 70 bracket and thus unable to go out. Support from the younger generation of veterans is now required. It’s not so much a case of supporting the RSA as supporting your fellow veterans.

I would volunteer myself, but I also am unfortunately in the over 70-group.

If you are taken on as a helper you will be provided with a letter indicating that you are providing an essential service. There will not be a requirement for any direct contact with people, the goods will just be left at the veteran’s front door.