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Graf Spee

A few years ago, I replied to an article in the Otago Daily Times Editorial about A4 Skyhawks in the RAN. A couple of days later, a elderly gentleman, ex RNZN, rang me up, and said he had a few photographs that I might be interested in. Would I like to have them. I don’t know how, but he knew that I worked at Dunedin Hospital and that he was coming in for an appointment and that he would leave the photos at the Main Reception. There were three photos of Endeavour arriving in NZ from the US and one of the Graf Spee. Unfortunately, I can’t remember his name, but have enclosed the picture of the Graf Spee signed by the Officers of the eight merchant ships sunk by the battleship and who were present at the battle of the River Plate.   Thanks Jim D for the contribution.   Click on image to enlarge.
graf spee
The Merchant ships were Newton Beech, Ashlea, Huntsman, Trevanion, Africa Shell. Doric Star. Tairoa and Streonshalh.
The following is courtesy of Wikipaedia: with reference to Captain Langsdorf the Commanding Officer of Graf Spee
 He wrote on 19 December 1939

I can now only prove by my death that the fighting services of the Third Reich are ready to die for the honour of the flag. I alone bear the responsibility for scuttling the panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee. I am happy to pay with my life for any possible reflection on the honour of the flag. I shall face my fate with firm faith in the cause and the future of the nation and of my Führer.

He lay on Admiral Graf Spee’s battle ensign and shot himself, forestalling any allegations that he had avoided further action through cowardice. Another motivation was Langsdorff’s desire to go down with the Graf Spee] He was talked out of such an action by his officers, who convinced him that his leadership was still needed in seeking amnesty for his crew. Once the fate of the Graf Spee’s crew was decided, Langsdorff killed himself over her ensign as a symbolic act of going down with his ship

Hans Langsdorff was buried in the German section of the La Chacarita Cemetery in Buenos AiresArgentina, and was honoured by both sides in the battle for his honourable conduct.