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Veteran Issues

Well, the time has come. Time for what, you ask? Time to step away from the ongoing debate about what defines a veteran and the related issues. The current Minister for Veterans (MfV) has done nothing, and to be fair, nothing meaningful has been achieved since Ron Mark held the role. The level of apathy and lack of support from many servicemen has been astounding—deeply disappointing, as I had expected much more.

With that in mind, Neal Catley and I have decided to step back and leave this matter to others who may wish to take it forward. We will no longer engage in discussions with the current MfV, nor will we advocate on behalf of communicators or other veterans. You can only fight for so long when the will simply isn’t there. Minister, by your inaction, you will no longer need to provide holding responses to letters from Rands and Catley.

5 thoughts on “Veteran Issues

  • Listening to the SEAVA website [YOU TUBE], the RNZNCA explanation that the letters to the Ministry for Veterans (MfV) and Ministry of Defence (MoD) typically flip-flop between themselves and their Associate Ministers are the reason[s] why letters are not actioned is questionable!
    Note that:
    Penk does not have an Associate Minister.
    Penk is the Associate Minister of Defence and is responsible for replying to letters related to veterans.
    There is no reason why Ministers and/or their Associate Ministers cannot reply to letters received within 20 working days.
    The letters to the MfV are from Neal Catley and Frank Rands, not from the RNZNCA Executive Committee.

  • Neill

    Neal and Frank,
    Many thanks for your Stirling efforts over the years re this Veterans matter. Having experienced working within a Parliamentary set up for almost 12 years albeit over here in WA, I am not surprised as to the lack of response from Ministers or even their staff. I have witnessed numerous Ministers offices literally covered with letters awaiting replies but none were. I can name at least 4 State Ministers that I knew personally who were extremely lax in responding to correspondence – their method of answering letters was to let them lie on their table for months and then dispatch the lot into the Confidential BURN bag!!
    It is a real shame that all servicemen and women are treated so shabbily by the Government regardless of Parties.

    Well done for your efforts anyway.

  • Richard Bibby

    Frank and Neal,
    I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your correspondence regarding Veterans, Veterans Affairs etc.
    I guess I was one of the lucky ones (if you can call it that) as I only served just shy of 5 years in RNZN as a comms EW but because I was posted to HMNZS WAIKATO from 1980 through 1983 I received Veteran status due to the IO deployment. Yes I have the Veterans Badge, Certificate and Veterans Goldcard but I’m still just an ex rnzn serviceman. You are correct in saying that Ron Mark’s was the Minister that took all of the grievances to another level and if not for him I wouldn’t be a Veteran either……..I think anyone who has at least served the NZ Govt in the military should have Veteran status……Richard Out.

  • In addition to Frank’s post, all of our letters, with one exception, that we sent to various Ministers for Veterans (MfV) with customer feedback and queries regarding important veteran issues, have gone unanswered for over four years. If one of our members wants to continue carrying the veteran’s torch, my contribution is to quote an old Chinese proverb. “If one wants to PEE into the wind – then make sure you have a huge, strong umbrella.”
    Below is an example of the Automated Office reply we received from the current MfV. Note the words, “If your email message falls outside of Minister Penk’s portfolio responsibilities, expresses a personal view, your correspondence will be noted and/or transferred to another office. The four words ‘expresses a personal view’ are the KICKER! And its interpretation reminds me of my good USN friend who often said after a communication exercise, “We’re done, Bud – let’s go sit back fat, dumb, and happy.”
    The Automated Office of MfV’s reply.
    From: Chris Penk
    Subject: Automatic reply: VETERAN ISSUES
    To: Frank Rands
    On behalf of Hon Chris Penk, thank you for your email.
    While Minister Penk considers all correspondence to be important, and every message is carefully read and considered, it is not always possible to reply personally to all emails. As such, the following guidelines apply:
    Invitations and meeting requests will be considered as soon as possible, and a staff member will be in contact with you in due course.
    If your email message falls outside of Minister Penk’s portfolio responsibilities, expresses a personal view, or is copied to multiple Members of Parliament, your correspondence will be noted and/or transferred to another office.
    Thank you again for the taking the time to write.
    Kind regards
    Office of Hon Chris Penk
    Minister for Veterans

  • Colin Francis Raureti Hayward

    I too wish to give my thanks to Neal and Frank. I applaud them both for their strling efforts in trying to deal with a deaf bureaucracy. Their efforts on our behalf have not gone unnoticed and are greatl appreciated.

    Kia kaha,
    Colin (Speed) Hayward


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