RNZN Communicators Reunion 2021 – Update 1 July 2020

Reunion Update 1 July 2020
The interest in our 2021 Reunion continues to build momentum. The Reunion is planned for New Plymouth over the weekend of Friday, 26 March to Sunday, 28 March 2021. Approximately 130 members/wives/partners have now registered to attend and there is still 9 months before the actual weekend.
The organised activities are proving to be popular attractions. There are good numbers visiting the Stanleigh Gardens with a ‘bubbly’ lunch, the golfers are filling the bus to the Westown Golf Club and a second bus has had to be ordered for the Forgotten Highway, Whangamomona visit and lunch.
Your Committee is delighted to inform you that two of our membership have offered to assist your Reunion by way of sponsorship. Murray (Wings) Kingham, Managing Director of Trans Pacific Timbers and Ian Napier, Managing Director of ARCNZ have committed, through their sponsorship, to the success of our Reunion in 2021. Many thanks guys – your contribution is invaluable.
We are often asked if the Committee was considering Reunion 2021 memorabilia. The simple answer is Yes. We are currently working on three products. Our plan is too have them ready to show you in our August 2021 Reunion Update. We will also put them up on the blog.
Click HERE to Register for the Reunion. The only fee required from you at this time is the Registration Fee of $20.00 per person. In the unlikely event that we have to postpone the Reunion, this fee will be returned in full. Click HERE to see those of your shipmates who have already registered.
If you intend staying at the Reunion venue, Novotel New Plymouth Hobson, please make your booking now (details on the blog) . We have only been provided with a certain number of rooms at the reduced prices. Your booking can be cancelled should the Reunion be postponed to another time. No money needs to change hands to make this booking.
Apart from the Registration Fee (and any travel you may arrange), there is no other financial commitment required from you at this point. Should COVID-19 restrictions continue well into this year and make events early in 2021 unsustainable, your Executive Committee will make a decision prior to Christmas 2020 whether or not to proceed or postpone the Reunion in 2021.
Come along and renew old friendships and share memories. What have you got to lose – register and support your Reunion, your Association and your shipmates.
Yours Aye
Rod Berry
Reunion Subcommittee
RNZN Communicators Association