Lost and Found

Ever scratched your head and wondered what old ‘bluey’ is doing or wondered where he is living.  Well here is your opportunity.  If you want to find that old communicator or shipmate, or someone you knew who served in the RNZN, this  facility may assist you in your search.

Posted:   April 10, 2024
We are looking for a Ken Beattie, Greg Knaggs, or Keith Walsh – all ex crew of the first HMNZS BLACKPOOL commission.   If you know the whereabouts of any of these three, please contact Frank at franlynn@xtra.co.nz.

**I can not find the form, right now, so will simply enter missing sailors above***

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14 thoughts on “Lost and Found

  • Lisa Manning

    Please I am looking for any information or photos of L De Abaitua is was on the Kaniere

  • George Kerr

    I am ex Signalman GEORGE RADFORD KERR who joined the RNZN in 1956 and left in 1962. Currently residing in Australia and just found this post.

    • Frank Rands

      Hi George, Welcome to the RNZN Communicators Association. I will pass your contact details to the Secretary and he will be in touch shortly. Thanks for making contact.

      Kind Regards

      Frank Rands

    • Owen Stuart

      Hello George, Owen Stuart here. Have tried a couple of times to track down any 36th Boys comms class.

    • Brian Moyse

      Were you at Pegasus George?

  • Jean Bretherton

    Just wondering where Signal Wren Patricia Marusich is now. She was in Philomel then down to Wakefield 1963 , 1964, 1965.

  • Nita nee Mazey

    Looking for EM1 Brown Nz 18117. known as Matt

  • I have the medals of 40271 DVR M Brown. I lost items ( including a presentation barometer with Southland power-board written on it ) after Cyclone Gabrielle. I’m wondering my items were mistakenly given to M Brown, and M Brown’s items to me.

  • bugger me, moysie’ n kerr one one hit. how you going boys. im still wasting oxygen

  • John King

    Looking for Maxwell John Watt. NZ17820. Max & I joined in class of 61st seaman boys April 63. Last class at Motuihe, transferred as sparkers. Served five years together on multiple postings. Max was our best man 1968. Believe he worked at GCSB about 1978.

    • Tony Locke

      Hi John long time no see.

      The last thing I know was he shifted to aussie many years back.

  • Tony locke

    Hi John.
    Last thing I know he was in aussie.


    • John King

      Hi Tones, nice to hear from you. Trust you are well.
      Max seems to have disappeared from sight, just had a thought as you do sometimes as to his
      whereabouts after all these years.


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