General Updates

What’s New on the RNZN Communicators Assn website

You may have noticed recently that the content of the blog has changed and is no longer RNZN Communicator specific.   This is because there is presently very little RNZN news.   As the webmaster, I now scan the World Wide Web to try and find articles of interest, which may not always be communications specific.   For those members who now find such articles uninteresting – the simple solution is don’t read them.

”The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”    

If you would like to contribute to the website then please do so – all power to your arms.

I have been your webmaster since 2004 and I’d be more than happy to hand over the role to some more energetic soul.   The webmaster’s door is fully open.

2 thoughts on “What’s New on the RNZN Communicators Assn website

  • Thank you, Frank for your time, patience and professionalism in maintaining the RNZNCA newsletter to such a high standard for well over 18 years. “Non sibi sed patriae [Not about self – but about country].
    Those who are unhappy about the recent newsletter content seem to be suffering from the Peacock strategy. Simply put, fluffing their feathers and making a lot noise about nothing in particular!
    I remember as a young boy my Grand Mother’s wise words.
    “Criticisms are like homing pigeons. They always return home!

  • Chris Precey

    I am more than happy with the articles that are being posted. I certainly do read most of them with interest. “Communications” is certainly not the communications as I knew it and I guess it does show that I am getting past being old, especially when I recognize names in the “jack passings”. There are so many of them that I recognize that were younger than I am, and I am thankful that I am still around, even though life is not easy at present.
    Thank you, Frank, for what you have done in the past, and am still doing.

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