Just for fun

Virtual Sailor

Time on your hands.  Like a good computer game. Well here is your chance.  ‘VIRTUAL SAILOR’ .  Sorry girls this is not quite the computer program you might be thinking of right now.

Virtual sailor has the following features:
* Accurate wave dynamics above sea and below.
* Accurate sailboat and motorboat dynamics.
* Accurate and dynamic sailing sounds.
* Fully adjustable weather and sea conditions by day and night.
* Photorealistic land and sea based on real topographic data.
* Diverse and adjustable marine life.
* Global land and sea area allows global navigation and sailing.
* Simulates sailboat racing including wind shadow effects.
* Multiplayer online sailing and racing over the net.
* Uses the latest DirectX9 technology in 3D graphics, sound and multi play.
* Advanced and simple to use virtual environment.
* Fully interactive 3D instrument panel for boats.
* Advanced and simple to use program.
* Built to expand, allowing third party sceneries and boats.
* Full documentation for making all files of scenery and boats.

I know that many of you will not have had the opportunity of serving on some of these vessels but here is a couple of screen shots to show you what the programme can do.

Click on image to enlarge.  Interested then download your copy or demonstration from HERE.


Thanks Geoff Butts for your contribution