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To VICTORY and beyond

Here are some images of a recent visit to HMS VICTORY which for those who don’t know is located in Portsmouth.  Adjacent to VICTORY is the MARY ROSE (King Henry VIII flagship) and the water has now been switched off and all the pipes removed.  A very worthwhile exhibition.  Click HERE for images of VICTORY.


More images outside the gate.  Click HERE

Here is an image of a sailor and VICTORY taken in 1966.  Was he supposed to be polishing the gun or just posing for the image?


10 thoughts on “To VICTORY and beyond

  • John Snow

    Brings back memories of passing Victory as going ashore .

  • Jim Dell

    Typical Bollox – half mast trousers and illegal windbreaker

    • John Bullock

      20/20 vision Jim? That windbreaker was an RN issue back then. On that subject our rigs were very similar to the RN in those days, so you could purchase a e.g. No.8 shirt or whatever, except they charged you another 33 ⅓ % more because you were not one of them, i.e. a Pom. So much for the British Commonwealth! Back in those days our passports even had “New Zealand Citizen and British Subject” on the cover, but that did not matter either!

  • Thanks Frank they bring back many fond memories of my draft in her in ’94

  • gunther

    bollocks, isnt there something to do with heritage at this site.. and here u r sitting all over it..disrespectful in the extreme.. 7 days 14’s…21 days stoppage of leave…

    • Jim Dell

      No 9s stoppage of leave, pay and Tot.
      No10s, stoppage of leave.
      No14s two hours extra work
      I think there was also second class for conduct and leave
      Mole might remember if the above were correct (being a Writer)

      • Yer Right Jim 2nd class for conduct was a bastard as above plus no leave for 30 days then 2 hours once a week under escort, lost 1 6th of pay. Only used when not convenient to get defaulter into DQ’s, only ever saw it invoked once in my 30+ years and that was when I was in WAIKATO 74. As a young Writer I can remember my Killick telling me about when Padre Taylor was used as Escort and he took him to a Brothel and bought him back onboard legless.

    • Jim Dell

      Gunth, I think that Bollox’s total disregard for the sanctity of the place and wearing non-issue RNZN clothing warrants punishment No1

  • gunther

    aaaahhhhh lad,, ung drawn an quartard, ooohh arrgg, what abart a keelawl whilst we be at it, make the most of a fine day..then off ta benbow’s for a brew or two..ooohh aaarghhh

    • Jim Dell

      Very good Gunth. You should audition for the Pirates of Penzance next time your local operatic society is going to do it

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