The treatment of a NZSAS soldier by various government departments is a disgrace.
Also, given the current veteran landscape, the last few paragraphs are unsurprising.
Click HERE to read more on this disgraceful act and how the NZ Government treats its Veterans.
Formally acknowledging that a tax rule oversight means the NZSAS soldier, who was injured while deployed in Afghanistan, cannot receive the correct compensation for his disability until an amendment to the tax rules is approved is completely misguided – aka – BONEHEADED! Why not immediately pay the soldier his full entitlement and then quickly amend the tax rules?
The article regarding the NZSAS soldier who did not receive his correct disability entitlement due to departmental TAX RATE bungling also mentions that the NZDF has put aside a range of recommendations from former Ombudsman Ron Paterson’s 2018 review of the 2014 Veterans’ Support Act.
According to VANZ’s communication to MfV and NZDF, It is concluded that there are valid reasons why 12 of the 13 remaining Patterson recommendations have not been acted upon and that further progress on them is unlikely in the foreseeable future. For this reason, it could be misleading to veterans to leave the remaining recommendations marked as ‘Open’ or ‘Deferred’ on the Veterans Affairs website. We recommend that they should all be designated as Closed.
In the interest of good people management, it is puzzling why VANZ did not inform its customers about this decision or provide valid reasons for each recommendation and detailed reasons for their closure.
In Matelot’s speech, it is a predetermined WHITEWASH. Over the next few years, Veterans who may have benefited from 12 of the 13 recommendations are expected to ‘Go Gently into the Night.’
Following posted on behalf of Neal Catley.
The article regarding the NZSAS soldier who did not receive his correct disability entitlement due to departmental TAX RATE bungling also mentions that the NZDF has put aside a range of recommendations from former Ombudsman Ron Paterson’s 2018 review of the 2014 Veterans’ Support Act.
According to VANZ’s communication to MfV and NZDF, it is concluded that there are valid reasons why 12 of the 13 remaining Patterson recommendations have not been acted upon and that further progress on them is unlikely in the foreseeable future. For this reason, it could be misleading to veterans to leave the remaining recommendations marked as ‘Open’ or ‘Deferred’ on the Veterans Affairs website. We recommend that they should all be designated as Closed.
In the interest of good people management, it is puzzling why VANZ did not inform its customers about this decision or provide valid reasons for each recommendation and detailed reasons for their closure.
In Matelot’s speech, it is a predetermined WHITEWASH. Over the next few years, Veterans who may have benefited from 12 of the 13 recommendations are expected to ‘Go Gently into the Night.’
Thank you for sharing that article!
Disgraceful because if you owed IRD any precious putea they are on your back in a flash, and don’t let up until you have paid… outstanding tax is due 5 Feb .. grrr
He should be charging IRD interest at the same rate as IRD do until he gets his back pay iwed.
This is a terrible situation for the soldier and their family to be put in. Living and working with people who have a TBI (traumatic brain injury) is hard and takes a lot of adjusting to even for simple daily living.
Yes I know, as I live with my husband who has a TBI, and know a few others too. His injury occurred in NZ.
Don’t prisoners get better deals when getting injured trying to escape Mt Eden prison! Just saying. 😠
Is there no one who can help or advocate on behalf of the soldier? Where is his MP or the Minister of V.A.? Shame on this govt, too busy being busy changing rules that don’t need changing (IMHO).
Can’t JAG NZDF help in this situation before any others are in tge same situation?
Just wondering.
Kind regards to all