The Rock Reunion
The Rock Reunion was a one-off get together organised for all those who served in HMNZS Tamaki on Motuihe Island, known as The Rock, during its period as a Navy training establishment from 1941 to 1963. The reunion was aimed at bringing together those who experienced a unique time in their lives and the history of the RNZN. As those who undertook their basic training on The Rock can attest, surviving the training was an experience that will never be forgotten.
The response to the Reunion weekend turned out greater than anticipated with the evening dinner moving venues due to larger numbers registered. Attendees (250-300) came from as far as Thailand, Australia and NZ Region-wide. Regrettably, a US registered attendee cancelled close to the event due to coronavirus concerns.
The barge carrying vehicles, trailer, equipment and attendees left Half Moon Bay on a beautiful calm Friday 14th after the DOC Biodiversity dog team had completed its pest check duties. Considering the event date was selected approximately 15 months prior, they couldn’t have picked a better day – Motuihe Island looked a beautiful picture. The barge pulled up to the ramp on Wharf Bay to unload the passenger vehicles which transported the less mobile people up to the headland with the balance of people having a beach landing on Ocean Beach and walking up to the Headland.
The memorial service was short and concise with the oldest attendee 97 years of age and youngest ex-Navy attendee unveiling the commemorative plaque on the Headland followed by wreath-laying, Ode of Remembrance, a blessing from Padre Basset and the Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Commander David Proctor addressing the attendees with a humble and moving speech
From an outside perspective, it was an emotional day for some and a wonderful tribute to those who attended, who couldn’t attend and those who are no longer with us. For some attendees, it will have been a shock if their last stay on the island was pre-building removal however to hear Saddleback calling during the speeches was a beautiful touch.
Congratulations to John Mills and the Navy Reunion organisation team on a fabulous event. We can appreciate the amount of work gone in behind the scenes with changes right up to island arrival. The team should be proud of themselves.
Lois Badham

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