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The Naval Base. But, When and What Ships?

Has anyone any idea when this was taken?  What the names of the ships were?

Click on image to enlarge

Thanks Tony for sharing the image.

Russell H reckons 1957, HMAS Sydney with escort HMAS Quadrant, Rotoiti outboard, Black Prince up front with Pukaki out board, minesweepers Inverell, Kiama and Echuca, in front of them 01, Stawell and Inchkeith,in whitebait corner, Tutira , Taupo and Hawea after decommisioning February 1957, not to sure of the others but would hazard a guess and say Takapu and Tarapunga. Ships missing Kaniere Far East Station, Endeavour down the ice with Sir Ed. Noticeable is the smokestack across from the parade ground I recollect that this was dropped about 1961. The island trader Moana Roa or the other one on the training jetty.

Jim D reckons 1957 – carrier is HMAS Melbourne, in front of her is the destroyer a Daring Class – HMAS Voyager and the cruiser is the Royalist. Opposite the destroyer in the inner harbour are three RNZN Loch Class frigates. Opposite Royalist are the four RNZN Bathurst class minesweepers – three opposite Royalist’s bow and the fourth one is the outboard of the three behind. Don’t know about the others. The oiler alongside the training jetty is not known and is not RAN.

Tony Bullock reckons
While others have identified most of the ships, I thought I would see if I could pin down who was on the Training Jetty. By judicious research through various sources including Naval Board annual reports – ending up with that for 1956/57 (Annual Reports used to include ship movements and visiting ships, which is historically very useful. Pity its not done today) I have been able to take the identification a bit further.
I put the photo at early March 1957 (the first week?) and offer the following:
Training jetty – HMS Messina, an LST III (L 3043). Along with HMS Salvictor (a salvage vessel), Messina spent time in Auckland in Feb-Mar 1957 under refit.
Calliope East – HMAS Melbourne. Melbourne, together with Quadrant, visited Dunedin, Wellington and Auckland during Feb-Mar 57.
Calliope Central – HMAS Quadrant inboard. A Loch outboard.
Calliope West – Black Prince with a Loch outboard. (Royalist had arrived from the UK in December 56, doing a short NZ cruise in Feb-Mar, not returning to Auckland until 21 March 57.)
Calliope Inner – three Lochs in Whitebait corner (Taupo, Tutira, Hawea). Astern of them, the TCV alongside with a Bathurst and an Isles outboard. Then three Isles.
Boiler Wharf inner corner – two Bathursts inboard. Kiwi outboard.
Fixing the date is helped by the movements during the month. Key are the following:
Royalist arrived 21 Mar
St Brides Bay arrived 6 Mar (and is not in the photo)
Pukaki & Rotoiti departed 14 Mar to Suva and Op GRAPPLE.
Tui was at sea until 10 Mar
Endeavour(1) arrived 19 Mar
Kaniere was in the FE – hence only 5 Lochs.
Stawell was VR training ship and was on the coast – hence three Bathurst
Tui was at sea until 10 Mar
Lachlan was in Nelson area.
The 4 Isles class were shortly to be put up for disposal.
Some of the dates are informed guesses, but the key ones are sound.