The Clandestine Radio Operators

From Peter van Kats (PA0RLM) we received a copy of a brand new book about the Clandestine Radio Services during WWII. This beautifully illustrated book ‘The Clandestine Radio Operators’ is written by Jean-Louis Perquin and tells the story of the many clandestine radio operators who, during WWII, maintained contact with the allied forces and with our governments in exile. Being a clandestine radio operator was not without danger in those days. As an example: of the 455 radio amateurs in The Netherlands, 55 were involved in resistance activities. 19 of them were captured and executed during the war. It is even shown how the messages were encrypted by means of One-Time Pad cyphers. The second part of the book shows the technology behind the whole operation. It is well illustrated with professionally made full-colour photographs. A beautiful piece of history that matches well with Louis Meulstee’s well-known ‘bible’ of spy radio sets: Wireless for the Warrior, Part 4′. The book is well-edited and has a beautiful full-colour layout. It contains a large number of high-quality photographs from various private collections, archives and films. An absolute ‘must-have’ for anyone who is interested in the human factor of clandestine radio and the many spy radio sets and accessories that were involved. It is precisely what the technically-minded want: short but intriguing texts, beautifully illustrated with many images of man and machine in time of war. After all: one picture says more than a thousand words… The book has originally been written in French but has since been translated to English. The normal retail price of the book is EUR 25, but through Peter van Kats the English version can be obtained for EUR 22 (plus P&P). It can be ordered by sending an e-mail to Jean-Louis Perquin, The Clandestine Radio Operators. 111 pages (English), published by Histoire & Collections, Paris, March 2001. ISBN: 978-2-35250-183-1 |