Submissions to the Select Committee on the Amendment No 2 to the Veterans Support Act 2014

The following has been released on behalf of Bernadine MacKenzie, Head of Veteran Affairs
A call for submissions on the new veterans’ legislation has now been made
I emailed you earlier this year to let you know that a bill had been introduced to Parliament that would make some of the changes recommended by the Paterson Report. This is the Veterans’ Support Amendment Bill No 2. I can now confirm for you that this bill had its First Reading in Parliament last night. That means that the first step has been taken towards changing the law (the Veterans’’ Support Act 2014) – it begins the process of having MPs examine what is proposed, both in Parliament itself and also at a select committee. You can watch what was said in the First Reading of the Bill on the Parliament website Type in the name of the bill, add the words “First reading” and look for the video tab.
The bill has now been referred to a select committee so it can be examined in more detail. It will be going to the Social Services and Community Committee. The Committee has now invited members of the public to make submissions to them about it. We hope your members will think about taking the opportunity to do so. The committee has to report back to Parliament about its consideration of the bill by 21 July 2020 – so any submissions will have to be made by 16 June 2020. Please encourage your members to check out the details of the bill and how to make submissions – this information is available on the select committee’s webpage:
So, This is your opportunity to forward a submission to the Select Committee on this amendment to the Veterans Support Act 2014. This is your democratic right, take that right and forward a submission. Yes, your Association is interested and at this time is considering a submission, but individuals also need to also take responsibility and put a submission in. It is no good in 6 months time bleating about it and saying they never listened if you do not take the appropriate action now.