General Updates

Blog Stats

As you are all aware we moved away from the website to the Blog on 17 August 2010. Although the amount of blogging to date has been limited a number of you have taken the opportunity to provide your thoughts and comments on a number of subjects. Keep these comments coming in and lets make the site a little more interactive.

I am always open to suggestions on different subjects to include and I know a number of you are working on your memories for future publication.

The following statistics indicate the number of hits on different pages of the blog since 17 August 2010 and are forwarded here for information.

Aug –  3,729
Sep –   5,881
Oct –   6,731
Nov –  7,252
Dec –  9,536

As you can see there has been an increase in the number of pages viewed every month since starting the blog. So lets keep the communication lines open and keep on  blogging.
All the best for 2011