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Okay.  Pick the Communicators and any others you can name in this image which was taken in 1979.  The HMNZS CANTERBURY team was picked to play the Battalion in Singapore.  Not sure who won the game but I am sure someone will advise us.

Back Row L-R POS Gary Griffiths, POS Neil Borlase, AEW McFaddyen, App Van Wijk, CPOEL Bruce Pukepuke, LS Rue Falwasser, POS Jock Peacock, AB Mark Devonport-Hanley, Fondle, CPOEW Lionel Tuhiwai

Middle Row L-R SA Thompson, LSG Harold Morris, AB Mark Tapsel, ARO Donald Ripia, CPOME Tony Remnant, AB Chris Cookson, AB Tony Connelly, LT Mike Franklin

Front Row AB Lionel Jamieson, ORD Simpson, LPTI (exLRD) Glen Allen, LS Dick Howe, Tapsell

Communicators in RED

We think the match was drawn.