General Updates

Reunion 2012 – Update to Program

“Ship Tour Sat 24th March – Regrettably the OPV HMNZS Wellington is no longer available for the reunion ship visit so the visit will now be to the IPVs HMNZS Rotoiti and HMNZS Hawea who have kindly offered to step in”
“Naval Base Entry Sat 24/Sun 25 March – Reunion attendees are reminded there are special security requirements associated with entry to the Naval Base for reunion activities (this does not the Sunday BBQ at ngataringa); please note the following on each day of entry:
a. All entry and departure is to be via the Main Gate (Queens Parade, Devonport).
b. On presentation of photo ID (licence etc) you will be issued with a named Temporary Pass which must be displayed at all times and returned to the guards on departure.
c. You are welcome to take your motor vehicle into the base and the Security Guards will advise you where best to park. Note your car may be subject to a quick boot search on entry.
d. Once in the base, you are requested to keep in groups under the escort of serving RNZNCA committee members who will be in attendance.
If you are thinking of attending any of the activities requiring entry to the Naval Base, your confirmed registration must be received by the treasurer no later than Monday 19 March to allow Temporary Passes to be produced in time. Unfortunately no late registrations for Naval Base activities can be accepted so please register before this deadline.”