REUNION 2012- Official Images
Images which were taken by our photographer are now available for you to order. Orders may be placed by email and sent direct to . His mobile number is 0274 731 470 and business number 09 412 6248. Photos are produced in the following sizes:
5″ x 7″ = $15.00
6″ x 10″ = $20.00
8″ x 12″ = $30.00
5″ x 7″ = $15.00
6″ x 10″ = $20.00
8″ x 12″ = $30.00
Please ensure you include your name, your mailing address and the image number. All transactions are between yourselves and Athol. Images belowImage Number 1
Image Number 6
Image Number 7
Image Number 8
Image Number 9
Image Number 10
Image Number 11