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Question No 6

Here is the next biffer.  Again answers to the question by comment please.  Press play to listen.

First correct response was from – John Bullock
Answer:  What is the name of the stream that Irirangi drew it’s fresh water supply from , what town did it pass through on the way to the sea and what river did it link up with as a tributary. (The river is the HAUTAPU which has it’s headwaters just east of Waiouru Military Camp,  flows down to TAIHAPE , skirts the domain there and joins up with the RANGITIKEI between Utiku and Mangaweka. finally emptying into the Tasman Sea at TANGIMOANA.  Thanks Albie C for the question.
From Albie Cross – I had an interesting  experience during 1955.. Had booked out a rifle and was rock-hopping across the stream on Peter’s farm and I came across a fully-fleeced sheep wedged between the river stones and in an advanced state of decomposition.  I broke off a piece of whitey-wood and with a bit of gut-wretching managed to dislodge the unfortunate creature and sent it in various pieces on it’s way to the sea,  This was about 25 metres upstream from the intake to the chlorination hut and pump station which supplied the establishment. When I returned the rifle I was asked by the First Lieutenant (Lt. Timothy Morgan) if I had had any luck.  No, I said, but I did manage to clean up the water supply.