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Question 26

Here is one which might keep you guessing for a little while.  Click Play to Listen.

Answer – Mutiny in April 1947 involved ratings and senior ratings from HMNZS Tasman, Philomel, Black Prince, Bellona, Arbutus and Hautapu over poor pay and conditions. The RNZN were paid less than their counterparts in the NZ Army and the RNZAF. Although anyone with a dishonourable discharge was prevented from employment in the public service or any government-owned or -operated organisation, the government illegally applied the ban to the mutineers, even though their discharges were not marked as ‘dishonourable’. This prevented many mutineers from seeking employment in jobs that used their learned skills; for example, the only non-military employer of telegraphists in New Zealand was the Post and Telegraph Department.