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This is a request for any photographs that you may be willing to share and have posted on the Gallery of the Blog.

If you are anything like me, you will have a box of photographs that are not named. If the photograph means something to you, then take the time to put a note on the back, to let those who are following you identify with who or what the image is depicting. For once you are gone, so is the knowledge of when and what you were attempting to record for prosperity. That is the reason we take photographs, we do not take them so that they just sit in a shoe box unnamed.

Take the time to do this and your grandchildren will appreciate it. Otherwise they will just end up throwing the photograph away, as they will not recognise the ship, the people, or the location etc.

Images that you think others may enjoy seeing may be sent to me at for uploading to the Gallery.

One thought on “Photographs

  • michael catlow

    I agree. Am encouraging everyone I meet now (or email contacts) to dig out all the old photos and put names to faces before everything is forgotten. We all kark eventually so its important. I have finished scanning all my old B&W stuff and did so for another ex Navy seaman friend who I visited (scanner in hand). Some of it came up well after tweaking from photo software package – some came up like new from this – even torn stuff repaired well.
    He had a group photo with me and him in it that I didn’t know existed before. So its likely that for many of us our images exist somewhere with someone!
    It made the trip with the scanner worthwhile and he was pleased to get digital copies for his family.

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