21 June 19 – Ngapona Assn Lunch at Howick RSA
12 July 19 – Navy Club Lunch, Remuera Club
12 – 14 July 19 – Mururoa Vets Assn AGM, Warkworth RSA
19 July 19 – Ngapona Assn Lunch at New Lynn RSA
20 July 19 – Northland Lunch, Bay of Islands Yacht Club
3 August 19 – Ngapona Assn Mid Year Function at the Bays Club
10 August 19 – Navy Club AGM, Remuera Club at 1100
The Ngapona Assn held its AGM last Sunday. It was well attended and we enjoyed a pleasant social gathering afterwards, finger food was supplied.
The new committee is:
President – Jerry Payne
Secretary –
Treasurer – Terry Creagh
Committee – Wayne Smith
Committee – Richard Maddix
Committee – Lisa Biesheuvel
A special welcome to Lisa who is serving her first term on the committee.
It is with pleasure that I present my fourth annual report for the HMNZS Ngapona Association. While it may not always be visible to the members, considerable work has been done in progressing the Association over the last year.
The Association has five main ‘Objects’ and I would like to touch briefly on the progress of each one.
To foster and promote comradeship amongst former members of the RNZNVR and HMNZS Ngapona in particular, those having an association with, or an interest in, the RNZN and/or RNZNVR, and members of the Association.
Our monthly lunches are still very popular and continue to provide an environment where our members are able to socialise. Thought has been given to changing the format, but why fix something when it is not broken? Of particular note was our Christmas Lunch at the Orakei RSA. The RSA went to an extra effort for the lunch which was served by cadet members from TS Achilles. The Association presented a gift to the sea cadet unit to strengthen the bonds between the two organisations. The weekly newsletter continues to be our main form of communication and the address list is steadily growing. The Ngapona Assn website is active but we need someone who is able to keep it updated.
We have recently added a new Facebook page which had over 100 hits in the first week and has already attracted some new members.
To encourage an interest in the history of HMNZS Ngapona and maintain a permanent record.
I am able to report that great progress has been made with the ‘History Project’ over the last twelve months. A large amount of photographic material held at Ngapona has been scanned and details entered into a database. (An extract from the database is available to view today.) We will very soon be calling for members to loan their photographs so they can be scanned and added to the database. We are very grateful to Ngapona for providing a stand-alone scanner for our use.
I am excited at the prospect of Ngapona having a comprehensive historical record from 1926 to the present day. An SOP on how to compile the database has been forwarded to ex-members of Olphert, and this will strengthen our vision of eventually having a national organisation.
To support HMNZS Ngapona if and when required.
The Association continues to support Ngapona at both formal and social functions. ANZAC Day Parade and Mess Dinners are examples.
To liaise and co-operate with other Divisions of the RNZNVR and the RNZN.
The Association has initiated a close rapport with some ex-members of HMNZS Olphert and we now have a past CO as a member. The weekly newsletter is now received by a number of ex Olphert members.
To encourage membership of the Association.
This remains an area which we need to address more closely. If we are to survive as an active organisation we need a stream of younger members to carry on the work that has been done. I would like to solicit ideas from the floor on ways to increase our membership during general business at this AGM.
Our main social event for the year will be an informal dinner at the Browns Bay Club in August and I look forward to seeing you there.
I would like to thank the Committee for their work during the last twelve months, I appreciate the time you have spent attending meetings and running the Association. Finally, a thank you, to you the members, for your attendance at Association functions during the year.
Jerry Payne
HMNZS Ngapona Association Inc
Our lunch this month is at the Howick RSA on Friday 21 June. (This Friday)
The lunch will be $15 for a carvery or $20 including duff ….. and there will be ‘up spirits’.
The Howick RSA has gone to considerable lengths to make us welcome and put on something a little extra. Let’s make this a lunch to remember!!!
We are now taking orders for the Ngapona Assn Polo Shirts. These are produced from good quality material, dark blue with white trim and the Ngapona crest on the left-hand side.
Cost is only $35.00 incl GST.
Please reply to this email with your size, or see us at lunch on Friday at Howick with your money. Payment may be made online to: HMNZS Ngapona Assn Inc, ASB 12-3287-0184065-00 Use your name as the reference.
On 20th June 1917, the Q-ship HMS SALVIA, under the command of Lieutenant (later Captain) Wybrants Olphert DSO, RNR, was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine U-94 off the west coast of Ireland. SALVIA sank three German submarines before she herself was sunk by a torpedo. The crew took to the boats, but Olphert was taken to Germany by the submarine as a prisoner of war. For his service in SALVIA, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO).
He returned to London 3rd December 1918 and was awarded a Bar to his DSO.
After WWI Olphert moved to Wellington and settled in Lower Hutt, where he became Assistant Marine Superintendent, and later Marine Superintendent, of The New Zealand Shipping Company Limited.
In 1928 he was promoted Commander and appointed to command the newly formed Wellington Division of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Olphert was promoted to Captain in 1936 and continued in command of the Wellington Division. In 1939 he died from cancer. The Wellington Division was named HMNZS OLPHERT in his honour in 1951.