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New Medal for Public Service

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has today announced a new medal that recognises meritorious service in the Public Service. The medal will be awarded to public servants who have provided service that has brought significant benefit or prestige to New Zealand or the Public Service, or who go above and beyond what is expected.

“Recognising and celebrating public servants who have been exemplary or a model to others is an important way to promote and acknowledge the work of the public sector,” Jacinda Ardern said

“The new medal will also help reaffirm the Public Service’s spirit of service to the community that New Zealand’s public servants bring to their work every day.

“Public servants rarely get acknowledged for the exceptional work they do that changes New Zealand society and lives for the better.

“This medal will recognise those public servants who have really made a difference.

“Some of the greatest contributions of public servants are not always obvious to the public. Public servants find solutions to New Zealand’s most challenging problems and implement big changes.

“They create new ways for New Zealanders to access services, whether it be cutting wait times to receive social support or designing innovative campaigns that lead to better health and education outcomes.

“This is the calibre of service we can be proud of because it changes peoples’ lives.

“It’s time we acknowledge high-achieving public servants. New Zealand needs public servants prepared to take risks and find solutions to the big challenges. I hope that this new medal will inspire others to do that,” Jacinda Ardern said.

New Zealand’s current Royal Honours system includes extensive options for the recognition of state servants, particularly those in the Armed Forces and uniformed services, such as Police, and Fire and Emergency NZ. But there is no medal that exclusively recognises the work, achievements, and contribution of core public servants.

The introduction of a new medal is consistent with other jurisdictions, including Australia. It will be instituted by Royal Warrant.

The medal, which will be presented for the first time later in the year by State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes, will be part of the New Zealand Royal Honours system. It is anticipated that around five medals will be awarded each year.

and from the State Services Commission website

New Public Service Medal for meritorious service

14 August 2018 
Written by Peter Hughes the State Services Commissioner – I’ve always believed in the power of awards and recognition. Public Servants work hard for New Zealanders. They come to work wanting to do the best job they can for their communities.

So I’m really pleased the Prime Minister has announced the introduction of a new Public Service Medal.

This medal is for meritorious service. It’s for those public servants who make a real difference and inspire the rest of us.

Recognition is important. And it’s fitting the new medal will be presented this year when we are celebrating Public Service Day for the first time.

Public Service Day is 7 November, the day in 1912 the Public Service Act became law. The medal will be presented each year on or as close as possible to this date.

In addition to the medal, I will be presenting Commendations for Frontline Excellence to those who have really gone the extra mile in demonstrating a spirit of service to the community.

Public Service Day is about more than awards. It’s about reflecting on the ideal of public service. It’s also an opportunity to remind ourselves that New Zealand has a Public Service that values neutrality, fairness and integrity – a public service we can all be proud of.

Every day all around the country public servants are doing great work to make a difference for New Zealand and New Zealanders. They deserve our support. And this recognition.

Some food for thought –
  • This medal is being struck and it will be consistent with other jurisdictions including Australia.
  • It is going to be presented in a timely manner i.e. 7 November 2018 – this year.
  • The medal will be instituted by Royal Warrant – They must have a direct link to the approval chain noting the time it has taken for the NZDF to get their royal warrants approved.