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Navy Vets visit DNB

On Thursday, 23 October 2014, 20 Ex RNZN personnel were hosted for the day at the Devonport Naval Base. The group included ex RNZN Officers, Senior Ratings and Junior Ratings. Their service in the RNZN spanned from 1940 through to 2001. The group’s combined years of service in the RNZN totalled 360. Their day began with a Powhiri at Te Taua Moana Marae hosted by the Warrant Officer of the Navy WOCH Steve Bourke and ended with a presentation by CDR Simon Rooke at the Navy Museum. The day included visits to the Sea Safety Training Squadron, Recruit Training Squadron, HMNZS TE MANA, Marine Engineering Simulator Training Environment (MESTE), Bridge Simulator and lunch in the Vince McGlone Galley. The purpose of the day was to recognise their service and provide them with an insight into today’s Navy. There were many positive comments from the ex sailors throughout the day. They were particularly impressed by the motivation and enthusiasm of the young sailors they spoke to and were heartened that they were proud to serve in the Navy. A great day had by all. Thank you all for your service.