Naval Gathering in the Waikato

WHEN: Saturday 10 October 2015
TIME: 1300
VENUE: Hamilton Combined Returned Services Club, (RSA)
50 Rostrevor Street, Hamilton
All ex Navy and partners welcome. Nibbles & light finger food will be provided by the Waikato Branch of the RNZN Association.
We don’t have contact details for everyone so if you know of ex matelots in the district please convey this info on to them. There are some we don’t have e-mail addresses for so will either post/text this message as well. Pass any new contacts details to us if you have them please. Please RSVP by email/phone/text to:
Jan Luttrell – email or Ph: 07 855 3862 or 027 698 8897.
by Tuesday 06 October 2015 please.
We’d be delighted if anyone from other area/s, in Hamilton that weekend, would like to join us. Please let us know numbers so we can order enough food.
We look forward to seeing as many of you on Saturday 10 October 2015.