General Updates


There are now only sixteen Foundation Memberships available.  I know of two gentleman who are waiting for a particular number to come up so in fact there are only fourteen available for purchase.  This membership was developed to ensure that the association is always financial and the interest gained from this money supports the administrative costs of running the Association.  So, if you are thinking about becoming a Foundation Member, please don’t wait too long.
The fee for this membership is $100.00 if you are already a Full Member of the Association.  However, if you are not a Full Member then the cost is $125.00.  Membership forms can be found by clicking HERE.
For those of you who have not taken the plunge to become a Full Member the cost of this membership is a one off fee of $25.00.   If you enjoy the blog and the contribution made by others.  Please give consideration to joining the largest Association of ex and serving members of the Royal New Zealand Navy and send in your membership.
Associate Membership is always considered and is open to any applicant who,
while not being eligible for full membership, is considered to have rendered
significant service to the Communications Branch from any other branch of the
Service. Associate members shall pay the same fees as Full members and be eligible
to be nominated for any position within the Association.