General Updates

Lets scratch the grey matter…No 2

A number of photographs have just been given to me which present a little challenge to names etc.  I will upload over the next couple of weeks.
Here we go again another one which will present a challenge.  The clue for this is OTAGO.


Back Row – Peter Murray, Kevin Trotter, Boot Herriot, Beeps Hambrook, Johnny Pungatara, David Tatum and Charlie Lamb
Centre Row ,? Nathan Matenga, Roger Broughton, Mike Woods, Tug Wilson.
Sitting:  LT Mike Franklin, Eric Good, ?
One for the older members of the Association.  The clue for this one is PO Leadership Course 1965.

Click image to enlarge

Standing: ?, POME Warren, OA2 Dennis Williams, PO Sailmaker Glascow,  SBPO Paul Te Rata,
Sitting:  Yeoman Stu Boyes, OA2 Tony Pearce, ? , ?
So give it your best.  The clue for this one is PO’s Mess, HMNZS OTAGO 1970’s.  Provide  names to the image by leaving a comment.

Click image to enlarge

Names L to R   POSTWD Jones, POME Colin Skudder, POWM McMonagale, POME Dick Hiini, POS (FC1)Wally McHugh,  Nick Panapa, POMech(M) Arty Shaw,  ?.