Jack Passings – August 2024
ANSCOMBE Herbert (Bert) Petty Officer Signalman RNZN NZ ARMY & RNZAF

Has called time in WESTPORT aged 88 and marched off. Herbert Served In the RNZN From 1952 to 1965. He took part in Op Grapple which was the testing of nuclear weapons in the then GILBERT & ELLICE Is in 1957. After he took his discharge from the RNZN He joined the NZ Police for a short period He joined the NZ Army from May 67 to Feb 70 and served in 1 ALSG at VUNG TAU In VIETNAM in 1968. In what capacity is not known. He then, later in 1985 enlisted in the RNZAF as a GSH. Details N/K but spent most of his RNZAF Service at WOODBOURNE. Rest In Peace Herbert Thank you for your Service
There will be a graveside service next Thursday, the 22nd of Aug in the RSA Section of the Fairhall Cemetery BLENHEIM at 1 pm. This will be conducted by the Marlborough RSA. Medals please.
ARANGA, Bruce (Rev) RO2 NZ16731 Joined 1/60 81 died 15 August 2024 born in Wairoa and educated at Kokako Native School, Waikaremoana, Te Teko Native School, Whakatane, and Ōpōtiki College. He worked in the Royal New Zealand Navy for twenty years and then began theological training. He was ordained to the priesthood of the Mihinare/Anglican church on 27 November 1993. He studied for LTh.Ao at Te Rau Kahikatea/St John’s Theological College in Auckland in 1993 and was awarded the Diploma in 1994. He is currently completing a BA degree through the Whare Wānanga O Te Pihopatanga O Aotearoa/Tairawhiti Taapapa and is studying for a degree in Atuatanga, Minitatanga and Iwi Hapu Studies. He is a licensed interpreter/translator and works in te reo Māori education and training. Aranga has been a member of Nga Puna Waihanga and is a composer of moteatea, nga kupu whakaari, nga whakatauki, and nga kupu karaipiture. A number of his waiata/mōteatea are sung throughout Aotearoa. He writes a bilingual publication in Māori and English dealing with ‘today’s modern interpretation of Scripture’ which is presented weekly to church congregations as a sermon/kauwhau. Aranga also produces personalised memorial services and unveiling services. He writes: ‘none of my material is Copyright or sold by me, because all of it is a gift from God, much of it is God-inspired, God-given, and it’s gifted to the general public to the glory of God, and I do not deem any of my published or composed or written material as mine to sell – its all give-away – gifted to the glory of God.’ He adds: ‘as a writer and publisher and composer and Deliverer of the GOOD NEWS to “live” audiences, I belong to a unique profession, world-wide. And we communicate in all languages, the same GOOD NEWS, consistently and passionately! Most, if not all of my material, is produced so that the material can be used by others on a national scale, i.e. the material does not “die” once any particular function has ended.’ He is ‘”an entrepreneur extraordinaire”, no te ao kohatu ona hohonutanga engari kei roto i te ao o naianei ana mahi whanui’.
FORREST, Colin James Maxwell. On 12 August 2024 aged 77 years. Dearly loved Husband of Heather. Loved Dad and Poppa to David, Karl, and their Families. In accordance with the families wishes a private farewell has been held.
Colin was an LRD. His service number was NZ17824, and he served in TAMAKI, PHILOMEL, WAKEFIELD, ROTOITI, TARANAKI, OTAGO, KIAMA, and INVERELL. He joined May 1963 and was discharged from the RNZN in 1969.
HEENAN, William John (Bill) CPODVR/LT CDR (RTD) NZD1321 RNZN/RNZNVR. On August 25, 2024, passed away peacefully at home after a long battle, aged 90 years. Dearly loved husband of Val. Dearly loved father of Robyn Montgomery and Toni Heenan. Loved grandad of Adrian and James, and a loved great-grandad of Ella, Ari and Diz. Loved step-dad of Rodger and Denise, Alastair and Nerina, Sally and Meric. Loved “Bill” to his step-grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Special friend of Ann Heenan, Russell Montgomery, Rocio Levings and family. Messages to 15 Murphys Road, Blenheim 7201 or www.cloudybayfunerals.co.nz At Bill’s request, a private cremation has taken place with a Memorial Service to be held at the Springlands Chapel, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, 15 Boyce Street, on Saturday, September 7 at 1.00pm.
HOBCRAFT Edwin Frederick (Eddie) 106079 N.Z. Navy. On Thursday, August 8, 2024, after a long stay in Dunedin Hospital: aged 94 years. Loved husband of the late Lorraine, loved father and Father-in-law of Ken and Sue, Raelene, Shirlea and Dean, Bronwyn and the late Roy, a loved Granddad and Great-Granddad.
A private service has been held Message to 78 Greenock Street, Kaikorai, Dunedin 9010.
MITCHELL, Peter John. It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Peter John Mitchell, who passed on the 9th of August 2024. Peter was a beloved Father and Grandfather, known for services to the RNZ Navy, Mururoa Veterans Society, Scouts, and Speedway. He is survived by 7 of his children and 5 grandchildren. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him. The family welcomes you to a memorial service, held on the 17th of August at 10:00 am at the Pyes Pa Chapel, followed by light refreshments and reflections at the Tauranga RSA, Gate Pa.
SOLOMON, Karlie RNZN, AWTR Joined 9/95 – Waikato Te Mana Charles Upham. Passed away at home, surrounded by her loved ones, on Monday 5th August 2024. Loved mother, fierce at heart, of Arana, Areta, Olivia, and the late Bubba Karlie Jr. Adored Nan of Aliya McMillan. Cherished daughter of Sybil and Phil Solomon, Rangipuano Kershaw. A service to remember Karlie will be held at Hardings Chapel on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 11.00am, followed by her committal at the Hawera Cemetery.
TYSON, Richard Samuel RNZNVR 342806 HMNZS Ngapona. Died on 31 August 2024, after a long illness. Beloved husband of Rosa and a good friend to many. Sincere thanks to all the staff at St Johns Hospital, Epsom. A funeral service for Richard will be held at The Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 27 Telford Avenue, Balmoral, Thursday 5 September at 11.00 am.
WACKROW Noeline (nee Matthews) WRNZS ZW1464, 18th August. In Masterton.
A private family service held.