International Naval Review (INR) Boat Tour – Bookings
This will be free of charge to former naval men and women of all ranks and it is hoped to accommodate up to 100 people. A certain level of mobility will be necessary to manage getting on and off the boat and to handle the movement of the boat when underway. (There will be seating available) Dress for the boat tour is to be of an appropriate standard given this is a formal Naval Review which happens only every 25 years, as the boat will be following HMNZS Otago with the Governor General of New Zealand embarked.
Alcohol and food will not be served aboard this vessel. People wishing to take food and non-alcoholic beverages on-board will be at own expense.
Bookings are being called for the FREE INR Boat Tour. It will be first up best dressed for places aboard and initially limited to ex navy serving personnel only. If by chance the boat is undersubscribed places may be made available to partners or a family member.
Bookings with names can be sent to Attn: WO Smith.
A reply should be sent to you within 48 hours during business hours, however if you do not receive such an email then another should be sent to confirm the booking.
Bookings are a confirmation you are committed to attend. An official invitation will be sent to those that have booked around mid October which will require an RSVP and will need to be produced prior to boarding the boat.
Further details will be sent as to boat departure and boarding times.
What: International Naval Review Boat Tour
When: Saturday 19 November 2016
Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Approx. 3 hours at sea, Inner Akld Harbour)
Cost: Free
Depart from: To be advised
Point of contact:
WO Trevor Smith
Staff Officer
Operation Neptune
HMNZS Philomel
Pvt Bag 32901
Auckland 0744
Ph: (09) 445 5302