How things have changed! – Thanks Neal Catley
How things have changed! – Thanks Neal Catley.
The short video [59 seconds] is a survey about how and where people now spend their time. It is depressing!
How things have changed! – Thanks Neal Catley.
The short video [59 seconds] is a survey about how and where people now spend their time. It is depressing!
Sad alright, however in many cases being online” is the only way one can keep up with whanau.
Bob Dylan – Times they are a’changing & how. Thanks for that presentation video Neal. Each year that I manage above ground I am thankful for being born when I was (same birth year as RNZN). From movies to music, career, travel & being able to enjoy a long-held hope of maybe learning to be a landscape artist which keeps the brain seriously stretched trying to learn it all (which I can’t – too much info) & so never a chance of ever being bored in retirement. I am grateful for growing up in my era & I would guess a lot of others would feel the same seeing how much the world is changing. However I do like progress in technology & I would be lost without my computer to record my life and memories for family history & communicate with friends around the world.’