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Here are some great images of sports teams from members of HMNZS IRIRANGI.  Thanks to Bill McLauchlan for the images.

RUGBY Team 1949

Back Row RR Packman (Coach), G Hayward, AH Hennessyt, RM MacDonald, GG Chapman. WP McLauchlan, H Roydhouse, AG Dodds, Happy Young (Coach)

Middle Row IM Fraser, JR Gardiner (Vice Captain) IH Simon, EB Shine, TE Harvey, GF Bond.

Front Row W Konui, I Crosland, AC Williams (Captain) PD Mulgrew (Secretary), BG Ewers

Rugby Team 1951

Back Row CJ Adlam, WP McLaughlan, RM Smith, JH Sexton, NE Roebuck, AC Crighton, J Kohika

Centre Row RJ Waolfgram, JG Williamson, DF Giddens (Capt), G Woods (Vice Capt) LT Hamilton, BF Veale.

Front Row AA Cooper, AJ Cross, AP Kereti, EB Craven.