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Lindsay Roberts posted
I wonder if you could do something for me or rather an Ex Navy mate of mine. Ray Ewers, ex communicator served 1945  -1953 much of that time at Irirangi and as I understand it was one of the early uniform personnel seconded to NR1.
Ray has serious health issues and is currently spending up to 16 hours a day connected to an oxygen generator. The prognosis as you can imagine is not that bright , but never the less he is always looking on the bright side of things. He and his wife Jennifer are currently going through the process of selling their home prior to moving into a retirement village where he can be closer to medical facilities.
Recently he asked me to come round to his home and uplift some liquor – spirits etc as he no longer drinks and he would prefer not to ditch it. There is an amount of rum the real stuff, our local RNZN assn will take care of that but there were also two bottles of Tawny Port one a stone crock the other an engraved bottle. they were commissioned for the 1992 Irirangi reunion commemorating 50 years of the Naval W/T Station Waiouru also noting HMNZS Irirangi Commissioned 1951

These two bottles are in pristine condition.The Port is from Oakwood wines Keysborough Victoria Aus.   If anyone is interested in purchasing this memorabilia please contact Lindsay direct on