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HDML Reunion 2023

A reunion noting 80 years since the introduction of the Harbour Defence Motor Launches (HDML) is being mooted by enthusiasts and owners of the remaining ‘fleet’ for Easter weekend 2023.

The 16 HDML’s were split between two flotillas, 124th and 125th. They were painted dark grey, with some being painted white in 1950 as survey vessels. Many were given a Black and White livery as Fisheries Protection vessels after 1960.

Over the period from 1950 – 1984, many ML’s (both ex Fisheries and Survey ML’s) were used for other tasks and were stood down from active service, dispatched to the wreckers or sold privately. Many ML’s during that period were seconded to the RNZNVR and located in the four main ports of NZ.

As of 2012 there were still 10 ML’s in private hands and in various states of repair.

For more information on the reunion, or about all things HDML, email Thane Zander at