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Today one of our sparkers turned 98 years old, so here’s a poem celebrating Jim Blackburn.

In ’42, young Jim did bark,
“I’ll join the Navy, make my mark!”
From Yorkshire’s hills, so green and grand,
To sail the seas, he’d take command.

A chief sparker, sharp and keen,
Jim Blackburn lit the ocean scene.
With signals bright and messages clear,
He kept the fleet in good cheer.

Now ninety-eight, still spry and smart,
Jim’s memory is a work of art.
From Yorkshire roots, he set his course,
To Kiwi lands, with no remorse.

In ’55, he crossed the sea,
The Royal New Zealand Navy,
Welcomed him with open arms,
He served with honour, charm, and alms.

In ’70, he left the deck,
But never did he lose his tech.
The Communicators’ pride and joy,
Jim Blackburn, our sparking boy.

Still driving, with a gleam in his eye,
In his own home, he gets by.
From wartime tales to peace’s bliss,
His stories are ones we can’t miss.

At ninety-eight, with tales to tell,
Jim’s memory serves him well.
From Yorkshire dales to Kiwi shores,
A sailor’s heart forever roars.

So raise a toast to this grand chap,
Who’s lives his life without a nap.
For old Chief Sparker, let’s all cheer,
A legend we will hold ever dear!

Happy Birthday Jim may you have many more.

2 thoughts on “HAPPY 98TH BIRTHDAY JIM

  • sandy Watson

    A very big happy birthday to a very special person – Jim we are looking forward to celebrating you turning 100 in 2 years time – so keep well and enjoy every day.

  • Chris Precey

    I wholeheartedly agree with what Sandy said in her comments. I am really sorry I cannot meet up with you at the reunion, but Jan’s health does not allow it.


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