General Updates

Foundation Memberships

Congratulations to all Foundation Members we have now reached No 100. The thanks of the Association goes out to Ditz Powell who is No 99, Rex Edwards who is No 100 and Albie Cross is No 101 and Pire Wehi who is No 102. To date six of our Foundation members have crossed the bar.  Our Constitution enables us to hold 100 living Foundation Memberships, so there remains 4 memberships at this point in time.
So if you would like to take up one of the remaining Foundation Memberships and ensure the Association remains financial and administratively supported into the future, all you have to do is send a letter, providing your full name, postal address, with your cheque for $100.00 to:
The Treasurer,
RNZN Communications Association,
PO Box 340-389,
Auckland 0746.
You can also pay on line if you wish to account 12 3072 0601108 000 and use your initial and surname as the Reference.   It would also pay to drop us an email advising that you have done this.