This article is provided by Jim Dell and I am sure you will find it an interesting read. Thanks Jim again for a great article. Click HERE to read the article.
Our class of 12th boys took passage to Bay of Islands in 1948 in either Arabus or Arbutus to do the guard at Waitangi in Jan 1948. I wonder if any others of my class can recall this?
Hi Peter. . Sorry, can’t comment. The selection committee (Daddy Gardner) reckoned that on account of my physical make up there would be a vacancy in the ranks if I were included.
might be a great read if we could read something..
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ok i have it now..tks
Our class of 12th boys took passage to Bay of Islands in 1948 in either Arabus or Arbutus to do the guard at Waitangi in Jan 1948. I wonder if any others of my class can recall this?
Hi Peter. . Sorry, can’t comment. The selection committee (Daddy Gardner) reckoned that on account of my physical make up there would be a vacancy in the ranks if I were included.