Earthquake Christchurch – Safe Communicators
John Bullock Reports
The map below shows exactly where the epicentre of the quake that has caused the current dilemma. Just a little bit too close for comfort to where I live. It seems the epicentre was below the Lyttelton Tunnel road (1.8Km long). The tunnel is still closed except for emergency traffic. We have no voice phone and water. The strange thing is I have Broadband, so why not voice communications? Had the plumber around today to fix the hot water cylinder that had twisted and snapped the input water pipe. The quake also smashed a large window. I have boarded it up for security, and on the waiting list for the window repair man to pay a visit. Today we had Earthquake Commission people were around again today to check on the entire house for stability and safety. The Ministry of Social Development rang yesterday “checking” on my welfare. Even asked if I needed counselling! I must be a VIP!
To date we have had 5074 tremors since the September 4th quake.
If anyone just wants to get out of Christchurch for a couple of days we have a couple of beds in Auckland and you will be most welcome. Just drop me an email and we can arrange pick up etc. email
The Central Otago I-Sites are compiling a list of B & B and similar who are offering free accommodation for a short break from the present CHCH situation. If you or others who you are aware of would benefit from this,contact your local welfare org. We are registered with the I-Sites, but please feel free to contact us directly. Our details are on our website. Just tweaking things a bit re accommodation following some enquiries so far. Offer at this address includes meals, and is open to anyone from ChCh who needs it.. A dog or two is fine, provided they are reasonably well behaved. I can arrange the tot measure provided that you bring the pussers rum!
Kia Kaha
Rex Edwards – Okay
Karl Moen – Okay
SA Sue Wilson – Okay
Neil Robinson – Okay
Gary Ellis – Okay
Derek Rule – Okay
Deina Moor – Okay
George Cust – Okay
Trudi Smith – Okay
Frankie Rogers – Okay
Dave and Velvet McKirdy – Okay
Paddy Long – battered around the edges but otherwise fine, no power or water at this stage– I am just out at my sisters place in Leithfield about 40 kms north of the city recharging my batteries … please pass on to all the lads that I am fine. I have had contact with John Bullock over in Lyttelton and Rex Edwards (RNO) and they are ok too … not sure about any of the other ex-pussers at this stage
Keith Kennedy – Hello all – just to let you ken that I am okay in the Papanui district of Christchurch and have been fortunate, like Ron Mayell to have not had much broken, during such a frightful experience. Wish you all well Keith Kennedy.
Gene Autridge – Thankyou I have suffered only property damage mainly minor. Hopefully the rest of my fellow communicators are at least as lucky.Knowing that others throughout the country as concerned for our welfare helps. Best wishes to all communicators.
Ron Mayell – Personally we have been extremely lucky. No damage, apart from broken glass in pictures etc, to property or dwelling. As you probably have seen this quake, although of a lower magnitude, was much more severe than 4th Sept. It will take years to repair damage not only in the CBD but also in suburbs where housing has been wrecked. Lyttelton has been extremely badly hit with severe damage all through the suburb. (They may have to demolish the bottom bar at the ‘British’ which is well known to ‘Jack’). One good outcome was that HMNZS Canterbury was/is in port along with Pukaki and Resolution on a combined ex with Army personnel. They have really come to the party and have supplied locals with hundreds of meals and obviously in the right place quake wise. I know that the local populace in the Lyttelton area can’t praise the efforts that the armed services have done in the area since 22nd. Brian: Was at Papanui RSA yesterday, which incidentally was closed to public. Very minor damage in way of broken glasses, bottles, TV off wall etc but nothing structural so will not affect Conference at end of March. I don’t know how the Elm’s has been affected but the Papanui and North West area of Christchurch has not been affected badly so Elms’ should be OK also. Will keep you informed.
Louise Boyle – yes I am OK. Living in Burwood, no power or sewage as yet, lucky for us water came on this morning. Am at friends this evening and able to check email. tonight (Thurs) is the first time I have been able to see the devastation on TV – mind blowing. We were lucky at work, 100yr old building, double brick and the central hallway was (I repeat WAS) made of brick which is now a load of rubble internally. We were lucky no one was injured. The strength of the earthquake was terrifying. Thank you for your concern and love to all.
Derek Johnson – Yes I am OK but nerves are shot to hell just had power restored this afternoon and got my Internet connection back just before. For those that know him (and lots do!) Basil Rutherford is OK as well – what wouldn’t I do for a tot right now!!
Karen Ellis – Im all good, but the house is off the foundations and the pipes are cracked. Going under to see how bad it is but Kelsey my daughter is fine as am I. Went to Heathcote yesterday to check on Gary and his family, damage sustained to his house but they are all well too…. Big hugs and heaps of thanks
Jan & Don Wills – Both Don and I are safe, Don was in Wellington at the time, I was at home. Even in North Canterbury (Oxford) the quake was strong – long rolling shaking, but no damage. I was called in to work on Wednesday, we are in the Central Police Station in the CBD, on the 3rd floor with 10 floors above us! Many strong aftershocks that day, but we are assured our building is one of the safest in Christchurch. Back at work today, still getting aftershocks but they are not as strong. Back at work today – getting to work is a mission in itself, what with cordons, broken roads and collapsed buildings. But we are okay, that is the main thing.
Bruce TeKoora – I have just been in touch with Bruce and Sue Te Koora and they are both well with a bit of property damage no water or power and are staying with relations out in Kiapoi and in good spirits. Gene Autridge
Stephen Fisher – Just letting you know that my brother Steve Fisher is safe and well, he was in Kaikoura when it happened. House is fine, several bottles of booze jumped off the bench but otherwise only minor damage at this stage as far as we are aware until he gets home and checks it out.
Michael Harrington and his family are okay and suffered little damage from the earthquake
I have not heard from the following Communicators. If you know they are safe and sound drop me an email. We have communicators on the ground in Christchurch who may be able to assist.
Trevor Harvey
Bill Hunt
Owen Ludlow
Judith Vidler
Frank Rands
What an awful time this must be for you up in ChCh. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Keep your chins up, this too will pass.
So pleased that the Navy was there…..AS USUAL.
Dave & Mary Neil
I have just been in touch with Bruce and Sue Te Koora and they are both well with a bit of property damage no water or power and are staying with relations out in Kiapoi and in good spirits
Further to the above – the Central Otago I-Sites are compiling a list of B&B and similar who are offering free accomodation for a short break from the present ChCh situation. If you or others who you are aware of would benefit from this,contact your local welfare org. We are registered with the I-Sites, but please feel free to contact us directly. Our details are on our website or I am sure that Frank will pass on the necessary details. I can arrange the tot measure provided that you bring the pussers rum!
Kia Kaha
Hi Frank,
Im all good, but the house is off the foundations and the pipes are cracked. Going under to see how bad it is but Kelsey my daughter is fine as am I. Went to Heathcote yesterday to check on Gary and his family, damage sustained to his house but they are all well too….
Big hugs and heaps of thanks
Saw Bruce Kooro late on Tuesday afternoon he is ok although he had to walk from Wigram to his home just around the corner from me
Agree Dave most tragic. It was always expected to be Wellington so it came right out of left field this one. I have friends there but took 3 days to communicate but they are fine – they had a wooden house but a brick chimney which caused the damage. This has been a big problem there. I took the double chimney out from our Wellington house about 4 years ago as was not happy with the way the bricks were cemented, lime and sand would you believe. Some friends I know locally are now arranging to have theirs taken out after the ChCh experience, so perhaps this should be done nationwide.Its not worth a life.
Its good that communicators are letting us know their circumstances it must be really nerve wracking with those constant tremors.
It was good that a defence exercise was going on at the time and having Canterbury there has done a real good job, no doubt John Bullock will know more about her as he is in Lyttelton.
I believe John has been “round the buoy”several times for Canterbury’s scrans. So much so, the ship is sailing for Wellington this weekend to re-supply….
Comment left on behalf of Gary Ellis
Hi Frank
Please – L – to all Communicators. Thanx
Hey shipmates and ex dunghy runners
I said to the squarey a few days ago, I have had enough, I’m going back to sea !! At least I know which way the ship is moving !! But seriously, thanks for your messages. We are okay, apart from a munted house. Only took 2 weeks to get power and water back (TF I’m not the Chief Stoker) Luckerly its still kinda summer so the neighbours (kids) got to understand the concept of a dhoby bucket bath. We are currently bunking between 3 billets, but mostly getting all nights in (keep the noise down, think of the watchkeepers . . .) Getting Net access is like a setting up a navcomex, but otherwise life is good. A special thanks to anyone who has given any time/effort/donation to Christchurch. We appreciate your love and support. It will take more than a make & mend to fix things but life is good and any day above ground is a good day, even if we are shakekeeping.