General Updates

Canterbury Quake Video

John Bullock has provided the following for general interest. Thanks John

The first 7 days
A video of approximately 2 minutes and 33 seconds in length showing the quakes that occurred during the first 7 days of the Canterbury Quake.  Each frame shows approximately 5 minutes of time, there are 15 frames per second. So each second of the video covers about 1.25 hours. Video Period Covers: September 4th, 2010 until September 11th 2010.

The first 140 days
A video of approximately 2 minutes and 25 seconds in length showing the quakes that occurred during the first 140 days of the Canterbury Quake. Each frame shows approximately 40 minutes of time, there are 30 frames per second. So each second of the video covers about 20 hours. Video Period Covers September 3rd, 2010 until January 21st, 2011

Check both these videos out.