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Do you remember 'Stormy' Lovett?

The following information was received from Steve Reed, a cousin of ‘Stormy Lovett’ who is searching for information/photographs as part of his family research.
The sailor in question was Jonathan Derrick Harry LOVETT known as ‘Stormy’. Stormy was a Petty Officer Seaman QA2. He first joined the Royal Marines and served in HMS London during the Yangtze Incident. He then married and joined the NZ Navy from the UK.  The nickname “Stormy” was given to him while he was serving in the RNZN. This information was passed to Steve by a bloke off the Taranaki in 1964, who lived near Stormy in Beaconsfield Road, Takapuna.  Steve was serving on HMS Centaur in Singapore in ‘64 and was informed Stormy was on Royalist and that she was alongside in the RNAD taking on explosives.  He borrowed a Docky’s bike and sped across the Dockyard to see him, but when he arrived on the Jetty, he could only stand and watch as Royalist pulled out to sea.
Stormy joined the RNZN August 1956 as an ABS QR3 and finally retired in July 1964 as a Petty Officer. He served in BELLONA, ROYALIST, PHILOMEL, BLACK PRINCE, PUKAKI and TARANAKI.
So if you can assist Steve in his family tree quest then please email him at southside@mypostoffi​ .
Note – Laurie my wife has completed a little genealogical research and Stormy was born 14th or 19th September 1924 and died 28 October 1985. He was cremated 31 October 1985. His wife has also passed away.