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Crew Lists

Does anyone have a crew list for the HMNZS BELLONA trip to the UK in 1955 or the crew list when HMNZS ROYALIST commissioned.

Communicators lets see if we can put a list of the communicators for both these ships and trips.


COMMUNICATIONS BRANCH LISTING. (As far as can recall)  Thanks Bill Bartlett for the names

V/S Dept
C.Yeo Taff Jones.
Yeoman – Danny Daniels, Kevin Vaughn, Pete Mellor, Ian (Nocka) White
L/Sigs – Lofty Redwood, Sam Lawton, John Morey, Tich Holland
Sigs – * Lance (Minnie) Pickett, Darby/Ditts Dutton, Darky Neil, Sid (Blue) Graham
Osigs/Boys – Brian Cookson, Charlie Conroy, Bill Bartlett, Brian (BT) Mitchell, Tom Cassidy, Ian Buckingham, Bob Gillespie, Mike (Lofty) Commons, Bruce Mcpike
*Minnie Pickett picked up his hook before leaving the UK I think

Ch.Tel Pete Illesley
PO Tels – Joe Dawson, Alec “Spotty” Crighton, John Steer, Paddy Boyle?
L/Tels – Jado Orchard, Sticky Glew, Darcy Doogan, Ron Pocock, Dick Alley
Tels /ODs – Snow Mayes, Clem Mellish, Sonny Smith, Sonny Hau, Sam Philps,
Graham Cadwallader, Jack Wairepo(Wrigley), Vic Patterson, Chas Brown.
IKM Lee, Berry, Chris Precey, Poi Puata, “Eek” Dawson, Don “Hairy” Kirk,
Dave Stade, Jim Hawkins.
Comms DO – Bellona was the Navvy, Lt Peter Silk
Royalist was LtCdr or Lt Derek Cheney (Joined Royalist on commissioning ex HM
Communications Training Estab St Beaudaux, Plymouth.)