General Updates

Country Cousins' Make & Mend

Calling ALL matelots , male & female, past & present, White Ensign, Blue Ensign, Red Ensign – Grey funnel, Blue funnel, Black funnel White funnel and all colours in between.
If you ever served the Pusser or were paid by a Purser, this means “YOU”. This invitation is also extended to partners and associates.
We wish to extend a very warm invitation to you to attend a “Country-cousins’ Make & Mend” to be held on Sunday 15 February 2015 from 1100.
Meet & greet 1100 – 1200 (cash bar)
Luncheon 1200 – 1330 ($12)
Free to roam 1400 onwards
Please indicate your interest by contacting:
Barrie Chivers (07) 889 1072 or
Barry Elder (07) 889 7714 or (07) 889 7014
Morrinsville District Memorial R.S.A. (Inc.)
Studholme Street, Morrinsville.