General Updates

Blogs and You!

The following was received from Jim Dell and is posted to raise the point, rather than just be placed as a comment. Jim is right, this is your site and needs you to contribute if it is to be successful.

This is not the right subject to post this under but maybe Frank can start a new post.
Several years ago when the Comms Association website was in its infancy, I ran the Forums side of it (same as a Blog). In order for these Blogs to work, it needs input from as many of you as possible. Back in the Forum days, it was left to a few to keep it going. I would hate to see Frank’s hard work go to waste because of a lot of fence sitters. If you agree or disagree, or would like to raise a point, then say so! Most of the articles that were on the original site are now resident under the Link “Jims Place” and are now permanent reminders of our history. So all you Soap-box fanatics (Bollox take note) stand up and say your piece!