The books have arrived, and they look impressive. A fitting way to record ANZUK. In the overall description of ANZUK, the Navy component is described on pages 85 to 93. There is a full-page photo of a Maori Concert Party performing a Haka for the arrival of HMNZS Otago as she berths. A photo on the back cover shows a 6 RAR orders group on the deck of HMNZS Taranaki for EXERCISE KING COBRA. There are also paragraphs describing the activities of HMNZS Otago and Taranaki on page 90.
There are 284 pages, including 24 colour and 32 b&w photo pages, a chronology, extensive footnotes and an index.

Review by Major General Ken Gordan (rtd) NZ
‘It is not often that a New Zealander is voluntarily offered the opportunity to comment on an Australian’s literary effort. This is one of those opportunities when however, while taken with alacrity, content worth transcends any Trans-Tasman rivalry.
This is a story that needs to be told. It is however a readable record of an important but short-lived three-nation force. What makes this book so important is that it is a unique record of a formal grouping on the ground, so to speak, of our otherwise traditional three power consultative arrangements.
It will be an important source in the future for the military, military historians, and for dependents of those who served in the ANZUK Force and need to recall the uniqueness of a lifestyle so different from the norm.
With six pages of sources acknowledged and a twenty-page index, these are the hallmarks of a well-researched and compiled publication. The sources, in particular, are well documented and confirm the quality of the research. The book is also noteworthy for the extent and quality of the photographs.’
Review by Adrian d’Hagé, AM, MC Brigadier (Ret’d), author of six best selling novels.
“ANZUK What was it?” will appeal to both those who served in ANZUK Force in the early 1970s, and to a wider public interested in foreign affairs and the military history of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Formed after the United Kingdom withdrew her forces from east of the Suez, the multinational tri-Service ANZUK force was based in Singapore and tasked with assisting in the defence of the Asia Pacific region. Colin Campbell has researched widely, and it shows. Richly illustrated with photographs from the time, and backed by interviews with those who were there, it is a wonderful history in its most readable form.”
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