General Updates


Earlier this year a number of communicators would have received an email from me advising that our records show that they are not members of the Association. Attached to that email was an application form to join which sadly had an incorrect mailing address appended at the bottom. However, never fear if you have already sent your application form in we will still receive it but may just slow down the administration process.  To date we have received applications from John Parry, Larry Maindonald, Ron Burton, Mike Miller and Sue McGuire. However, there are still many more of you out there who are still to take action and send your application form in.  If you are one of these communicators please complete the application form and send it to this address

RNZN Communicators’ Association
PO Box 340-389,
Auckland 0746

or you can download a new copy of the application form by clicking HERE


For communicators who now live in Australia an Australian Bank Account can be made available for your deposit to save you any difficulties in changing money.  Please request this bank account by emailing