General Updates

Foundation Membership

It would appear that there is some confusion over Foundation Membership which became part of our Constitution in September 2007. Here is a little something which formed the background for discussion at the 2007 AGM which I hope will clear up any confusion.

Do we want the Communicators Association to stay afloat? or should we let it join the Cruisers, the Lochs, the Corvettes, and the Sweepers to the bottom. This is not an idle question but a simple fact of modern life. Unless we find a way to keep our association afloat, before too long it too will also become just another memory.

We believe the loyalties, friendships and the achievements we shared are worth preserving. We also believe there are many others who feel the same way. But like any ship, our association can only stay afloat if we find a way to maintain her.

So we have created Foundation Members. There will only ever be 100 Foundation Members. Each one will pay a once only fee of $100, be given a Foundation Membership Number and a special Membership Badge identifying, him or her, as a Foundation Member of the Association. In addition, an Honour Roll of Foundation members will be listed on a special page on the Associations Website.

The once-only fee paid by each Foundation Member will NOT be used for general administration. Each members fee will b e lodged in the Associations Investment account, with only the interest accruing therefrom will be used to provide the sort of foundation necessary to keep the Communicators Association afloat.

We think our memories are worth $100. If you agree, there is a number waiting for you. Why not use it?

This item was raised at the 2008 Annual General Meeting which was held on Sunday, 29 September 2008 and it was considered worthy of another email out to clear up any confusion. Just to put a couple of things in perspective. Over the past we have been very lucky with the website being hosted at no cost to the association and there does not appear to be any hosting charges on the horizon. However, there is no guarantee, and we should be prepared if charges are likely at sometime in the future. Your Association also puts out a newsletter which has to be reproduced, enveloped and then snail mailed out once a year to over 500 members of the association both overseas and within New Zealand. This is no longer an inexpensive activity. So it is this type of Association Administration that the interest from Foundation Membership will be used.

To date 19 members have taken up the option of Foundation Membership and a list can be found on the Association Blog. A membership form is also available on the blog from the same menu.