One for the Old and Bolds
Here’s one which will get you going. An old photo of the Comms Section of the Bellona, taken in Sydney en route to the UK in 1952. Tubby Glass will be easily identified prior to his changing rig. The Signals Officer was Ted Thorne, later to become CNS. Others may be identified by today’s golden oldies for, after all, its 60 years ago!!! Thank Ron B for the image.
Back Row:- O/Sig Snell RNZNVR, A/Yeo Buck Taylor, Tel Dusty Miller, Yeo Les Thorpe, O/Tel John Orchard, LSig A Venus, Tel Hagan, O/Tel Gary Stewart, L/Tel Ron Burton, Sig R Newington, Sig R Clark, Sig Alan Pettengal RNZNVR, L/Tel Ewers, L/Tel Richardson, O/Tel George Rolton, L/Tel Ken Begg, A/PO/Tel Tubby Glass, LSig Richardson, Tel George Hilliar, A/Yeo Danny Daniels.
Middle Row:- Chief Yeo Burrows (Later Cdr), Lt Thorne (Later Rear Adm), SCCO J Ellis (Later editor of the Communicator MERCURY, Chief Tel Granny Thompson.
Front Kneeling:- Tel Bugs Hewson and LSig Cyril Pitcher.
Sitting:- Boy Tel Hayward, Boy Tel Venning-Slater, Boy Sig McKenzie, Boy Sig Witt, Boy Sig Hill, Boy Sig ?, Boy Sig Neill.