Skin Kininmont would like Contact
The following has been received from Skin Kininmont.
Apologies for not getting back to all my mates –being a proper sparker and not 100% clued up on this computer age–plus stupid –(Tell me whats going to happen when me and my mates crash computers world wide)(Just joking——– OMG no GPS) where are we –what did they used to do????
Henri Bull, Chris Precey, Ernst Koch, Bugs Hewson, Jim Blackburn, Dave Neil, Mike Catlow and any of those other unfortunate guys who used to know me and Blue, who we haven’t been in touch with, drop us an email on if when you get time.
Oh by the way Wellington sounds okay for next reunion, but Midlands Back bar will have to be re-opened, so it is HOME like it used to be.
Note: Don’t tell Skin that the Midland Hotel was been pulled down years ago and the area has now been turned into a park. Maybe he could have lunch there. Frank Rands