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Dusty Millar – 'Walking Wounded'

Update received from Dusty

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes, I feel better already. I am currently using two walking stick type crutches and hope to alleviate the need for a calliper or knee brace, only time will tell. I am getting a bit frustrated sitting around when there are things to do but that’s life I guess.

Thanks again for the kind wishes.


Today I received some “not so good” news. Forty years ago a drunk driver smashed into the taxi in which I was a passenger, almost wrote me off, and badly damaged my right leg which has been permanently stiff since then. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled and, as one does, I automatically jammed down on my right leg to stop me from falling and unwittingly jarred the knee on my crook leg. The pain has been quite severe and when I saw a physiotherapist friend of mine today he explained that I needed to see an Orthopedic Specialist ASAP. He advised me that I would most likely have to have a full length knee brace or, (I hope not), a full length caliper as I had forty years ago. Sad to say, the knee brace I had been using was the cause of varicose veins which in turn caused an ulcer so I suppose one would say it is a “Catch 22” situation !! He loaned me a special walking stick to hopefully ease the pain a bit. I guess it is a good job that all my birds have gone otherwise I would be hard pressed to look after them properly. I guess it’s a matter of “watch this space”. Cheers