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Ladies in the Snow

The following has been received from Jim Dell seeking assistance in naming the people in this image.  Jim says…
During the winter of 1985, I was asked by the Army School of Signals if we would like to participate in an Army Comms exercise. It was a CW exercise lasting a week between units in Taranaki, Bay of Plenty, Wanganui and Waiouru. Would I be interested in supplying the Waiouru component. I said yes, and it was made up entirely of RO(W)s with LRO(W) Vicki Dell in charge. They were billeted at Helwan Camp in one of the huts which had a bunk space and a small kitchen with a large kitchen stove. The snow was quite deep and very cold – the kitchen stove came in handy as the girls left the elements on 24/7! We erected an inverted Vee for the frequency to be used and left them alone to their own devices. The girls proved that they were more than a match for their Army counterparts.

If you identify any of these lovely ladies then please leave their name by  placing a comment to the post